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Automated Quality Control (QC), is an AI-enabled module for performing QC on images. Embedded seamlessly within Concentriq® LS, it detects and segments images with artifacts to help you both optimize the quality control process and improve the quality of data driving your research.

BLOG: The Significance of Robust Validation in Automated Quality Control SolutionsLink Arrow

Embedded in your workflow.
Comprehensive and accurate artifact detection.

Proscia’s Automated QC module has been trained and tested on the most diverse and extensive dataset of any automated quality control solution on the market today. Our validation process involved training on over 70,000 whole slide images (WSIs) with performance assessment of over 10,000 WSIs. Here’s how Automated QC works:

Solution Brief:

Automating Quality Control in Digital Pathology Workflows

Read our brief to learn everything you need to know about how Automated QC works, how it was validated, and how you can deploy it to improve workflow efficiency and data quality in your lab.

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See what comprehensive artifact detection looks like embedded directly into your workflow.

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