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[Webinar] Welcome to Concentriq AP-Dx
Join us for a 45-minute webinar and interactive demo of Concentriq® AP-Dx, our digital pathology solution cleared by the U.S FDA (K230839) for the purpose of primary diagnosis. Amanda Coble, Director of Product, will share details about the multi-site clinical study Proscia conducted, and share a product demo. Learn more, and register today.
5th Cutting Edge Pathology Congress
We are excited to join the 5th Cutting Edge Pathology Congress, a joint meeting among the European Society of Veterinary Pathology (ESVP), the European College of Veterinary Pathologists (ECVP), the European Society of Toxicologic Pathology (ESTP) and the Spanish Society of Veterinary Pathology (Sociedad Española de Anatomía Patológica Veterinaria.
European Congress of Pathology (ECP)
Proscia is excited to travel to ECP 2024, a world class event for the sharing of knowledge, innovations, and experiences that will enhance the activities of the world-wide pathology community for the benefits of all patients worldwide. Talk with our digital pathology experts at Booth 101 for a demo of our Conentriq enterprise pathology platform.
Join us for an exclusive webinar about groundbreaking updates to Concentriq® AP*, the leading cloud-based workflow solution for digital pathology. Discover how the industry's first multi-AI workflows provide pathologists with insights from multiple AI applications simultaneously. And hear about new API enhancements, DICOM image viewing & ingestion.
National Society of Histotechnology (NSH)
Visit Proscia at the 2024 National Society of Histotechnology Convention! The NSH Convention will have cutting-edge research, expert led workshops, and one-of-a-kind hands on histology training in developing specialties. Talk with our digital pathology experts and get a hands on demo of our Conentriq enterprise pathology platform.
College of American Pathologists (CAP)
Visit Proscia at the CAP'24 Pathologists' Meeting, an all inclusive event covering all aspects of pathology with 84 educational sessions, roundtable discussions, and workshops presented by leading experts! Talk with our digital pathology experts and get a hands on demo of our Conentriq enterprise pathology platform.
Pathology Visions (PV)
Proscia is excited to travel to Pathology Visions 2024! Pathology Visions brings together 800+ experts and peers across the field of digital pathology to address real-world, practical applications of digital pathology today, as well as the future of the field through new technologies and developments. Talk with our experts and get a demo!
Digital Pathology and AI Congress EU (DPAIC)
Visit Proscia at the Digital Pathology and AI Congress, where over 60 speakers will explore the latest advances and applications of digital pathology, artificial intelligence, and machine learning in both primary diagnosis and clinical research. Talk with our digital pathology experts and get a hands on demo of our Conentriq enterprise platform!

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